
Changemaking Ideas in Three Minutes is our first video series. The first season includes eight episodes (all subtitled in several languages):

  1. Five technological revolutions in three minutes, with Prof. Carlota Perez
  2. Buddhist Economics in three minutes, with Prof. Wolfgang Drechsler
  3. Who creates value and why do so few make so much? with Dr. Alex Pazaitis
  4. The poverty of mainstream economics and how to address it, with Prof. Erik Reinert
  5. Design pharmaceuticals for people, not for profit!, with Dr. Els Torreele
  6. Yes to limits to growth!, with Prof. Giorgos Kallis
  7. How do algorithms change the way we work? with Dr. Kaire Holts
  8. Why do we need different business schools?, with Prof. Martin Parker

We are working on a new video series that would feature Prof. Wolfgang Drechsler.